Saturday, April 11, 2015

Blog #8: ○ ▱ ▭ ◇ ⇆

     Finally, something with less math and more programming! :P

     Our lesson this week was about Introduction to Computer Problem Solving. The goal of the lesson was to teach us to solve problems - but not always math problems, including the beginning of the problem, every step that leads to the desired solution, up to the solution or the end - and illustrate the problems using flowchartswhich explains these: ○ ▱ ▭ ◇ ⇆

     As an Applied Mathematics student, I have programming courses in my curriculum. The lesson we had this week reminded me of my programming subject last year, AMAT 150: Computer Programming. I was happy with the lesson we had because it was something that reminded me of one of my favorite subjects of all time. 

     What the hell are these symbols for? That was my reaction when I saw these symbols being written by our instructor on the board. At first glance we may be confused on what these are for.
     Given these labels, we now understand that the symbols given earlier are commands or steps in coloring cells. Consider a 5x5 table:

     The symbols were steps in coloring a 3x3 square with a hollow center within the 5x5 square. These steps, or sequences, are called algorithms. The two common representations of algorithms are pseudo-codes and flowcharts. Flowcharts are graphical representation of algorithms. Pseudo codes are the set of steps like in flowcharts, but written in phrases or sentences, including if-then statements found in flowchart diamonds.


Some pseudo code and flowchart examples:


     We had a fun activity which is called the "HOUR OF CODE" from (please do visit this site!) and they have this advocacy: Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science. It was fun solving the problems! It brings out your inner child, while still being challenging. Try it out! 

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