There are many presentation software existing today. Different computers have their own default software. For those who use Windows, they have Microsoft PowerPoint. Those who use Mac, they have Keynote.
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Internet has been very useful to us ever since it became available. I remember those days when we used dial-up just to connect. I remember that whenever we connect with dial-up, we cannot use the telephone. It was a problem for us because we have a water refilling station and people would call us for orders, and we have the same telephone line for our house and our store. So we were only allowed to use the Internet for evenings and for Sunday afternoons when our store is only on half-day. Anyway, going back to the topic at hand ;)) Internet has been so useful, and it offers many sites of presentation software. As technology progresses and people become more picky and more artistic and stylish, the designs of the presentation tools must cater to their demand.
Have you heard about Prezi? I think it is the most popular presentation software over the Internet. It was the most used aside from MS PowerPoint when I was in high school. I was amazed when I saw how it works. It is like you have a big poster where the details need not be arranged as long as they are interconnected in any way, and every slide you zoom in to a specific part. Sometimes they can be just connected to each other literally, and sometimes the next slide is inside the letter O found in previous slides. The possibilities are endless! You only need an Internet connection and a very colorful imagination :) Haven't heard about it yet? Go to
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This week in our laboratory class, we were introduced to PowToon. You know those animated presentations in some commercials in NatGeo and Discovery Channel? Yeah I know I'm too vague. Just go take a look at some tutorials in PowToon, just visit it at There you can create animated videos and presentations for free! It really is awesome to use it and I'm not even kidding! Give it a try :) This would be great in office presentations too, and probably your bosses won't be able to take their eyes off of it ;)
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"A good presentation makes ALL the difference."
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