Saturday, February 14, 2015

Blog #1: For The First Time

First meeting in IT 1, January 28, 2015

Queasy queasy queasy

     Like any other first meeting, I was anxious. I was kinda worried to meet my teacher and my classmates, and tense because it is the start of a new semester. Of course a lot of things would run on my mind:

  • I need to make a good impression, and of course be friendly to everyone.
  • What would my instructor be like? I already knew that she was young, but would she be fun? Would she be strict or considerate?
  • What will we do on our first meeting?
  • Will the exercises be hard and challenging?
  • What if I don't pick up on the lessons?
     I had countless questions running on my mind that day. I was happy because I know some of my classmates, and even have two orgmates with me. But still, I was uneasy.

Gamer girl

     Then, my teacher came and welcomed us. Her name is Ma'am Mary Grace Angelie Aguirre, Ma'am Marya for short. She told us things about herself, and I think it was cool that she knows how to play DotA and LOL, because I think those are hard :P
     It's too early to say things, but I think, from what I see, that she will be approachable and fun to be with, so I kinda expect fun classes and activities from her. Also, I think if we try, we could be friends with her and act like it outside the classroom, but of course respect must never be out of the picture.

Pinoy Henyo 2.0

     From my experience, teachers usually just introduce themselves and the subject on the first day, and dismiss us early. But Ma'am Marya introduced us a game without a specific title, but is like Pinoy Henyo. The words were put on our backs, and we must roam around the room and ask two (2) questions ONLY per classmate, for only 10 minutes! I thought it was easy, but it wasn't. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to guess, because the non-guessers will perform a talent in front. I think I only had a minute left before I guessed mine correctly. My classmates gave out context clues, "turo dito, turo doon" and pointed to a classmate that had a word related to mine (hers is SystemOne, and mine is Sir Bulacs), so I finally guessed correctly! I was actually planning to sing "I Won't Give Up", good thing I didn't. :P

Gone, gone, gone

     The game helped in eliminating worried feelings in me, because I talked to almost everyone in class, and learned to trust them for that time. This first meeting was very fun, and I am sure that I will always remember that feeling :)

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